Thursday, February 7, 2013


Some times, it seems no matter how far you walk, you end up further away from your goals. Such was my experience with the monthly measurements for February - despite walking more than 75 total miles, several dietary changes, more weight-bearing exercises, and other habit adjustments, all the measurements I make (weight and body measurements) either stayed the same or went up to varying degrees. I simply couldn't believe the results when I compared my numbers to January, and at first I felt so many negative emotions...
  • Rage
  • Frustration
  • Desperation
  • Anxiety
  • Jealousy
  • Hopelessness
But for the past few days, I've done more research, tried to focus better, and worked to remember that every journey has obstacles, particularly life-changing journeys. If those obstacles weren't there, everyone could be successful without effort.

The research I've found does offer a touch of hope; depending on your individual metabolism, it can take several weeks (though no one is clear on just how many) to "reset" your baseline so your body begins to change. There is the idea that as muscle builds and fat burns away, sizes may change while weight does not, given muscle's greater density. Then, as another thought, some people genuinely build muscle faster than burning fat, which means everything may rise before anything falls.

What could be the reason for me? I honestly don't know, but after a weekend of self-pity and indulgence (which I'm pleased to say wasn't nearly as fun as I'd hoped, which is a positive indication itself that changes are, in fact, occurring), I am pleased that I'm not giving up. I haven't missed a day's walking, and my mileage continues to rise.

Now I just hope I can get a little positive reinforcement to help my spirits and motivation rise as well.

1 comment:

  1. We are in nearly the same phase and I am with you on the no-giving up! Saw a friend recently that has "given-up" and she looks and feels terrible. Sometimes if my weight does not go up I have to be grateful just for that! Remaining steady is better than going up for sure! Hang in there and let's both hope for a better outcome next month!
