Saturday, December 1, 2012

Beginning a Journey

This quote, from Chinese philosopher and founder of Taoism Lao-Tzu, is one familiar to many people in many cultures, and for each one it has different meanings. It can be spiritual, motivational, even romantic, but no matter what the interpretation, the meaning is clear - even the longest journey begins with the smallest piece, and those pieces together make something far greater than themselves.

Today, I begin a journey of a thousand miles. Like any study of philosophy or self, I do not yet know where the destination will be, but I hope it takes me somewhere far from where I find myself now - physically, mentally, and spiritually - and each one of those journeys has a different meaning.

  • Physically - I hope to literally walk 1,000 miles in 2013.
  • Mentally - I hope to improve my intellect and mental state.
  • Spiritually - I hope to better my self perception and confidence.

But no great journey begins on a whim. I've been planning this for several weeks now, and will take the next month to prepare for those important first physical, mental, and spiritual steps, including better exploring each type of journey this will be. I hope you'll join me on this journey, and I hope it will take you to somewhere better for yourself.

Where will you journey today?

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